Friday, February 20, 2009

February Misc.

We spend the Family Day weekend in Ottawa. We went up early(in lots of fog) because Eric had some training to do near Ottawa. We got to spend 5 nights there! We had a great time!

Here are my two girls hanging out on the couch in Ottawa.

I have recently cut Anna's hair. It was getting scraggly. Now that I have cut it, it is even curlier....which saves me from if I cut it straight or not! ( Maybe you can check it next time I see you Veronica, to see if it passes :) )

On Thursday while Eric was driving to his course our van started to make an awful noise. The ac compressor ceased so the van spent Friday in the shop getting it fixed enough so that we would be able to drive home. Our plans for Friday was to go to Snowflake kingdom in Haul Qeubec, so we had to postpone that. So Friday morning the kids made Valentines and in the afternoon we went sledding.The hill was super easy so going down was easy, and up was much harder! The kids had a hoot though.

Here are Zach and Anna waiting for their turn!

Eric and Aidan.

Eric and Anna

This picture makes me laugh! Anna is tickling Eric!

Valentine's Day morning:

Here is Aidan checking out his Valentine's!
Thanks for the chocolate Mommy! Our kids just love chocolate, so I gave them a chocolate Valentine!

Next was our Valentine's waffle breakfast! Looks good doesn't it!

The kids are decorating their heart shaped cupcakes!

We got the van back so we were able to go to Snowflake Kingdom on Saturday afternoon. The kids (and adults) had a alot of fun on the snowslides!

Of course we had to get some beaver tails!

Thankfully Rachel slept through most of it.

For dinner we had heart pizza's and a heart cake for dessert!

Alanna, this is to get you back for that tongue picture that you put on your blog a few years ago!!!
This is Alanna being a good with magnets :)

Sunday night we had a fire, some chocolate fondue, and of course Settlers!

We left Monday morning and stopped in Warkworth on the way home to have some lunch with my grandparents. We had a great weekend!

Here's my smiley baby hanging out in her bouncy chair. She likes to hold onto blankets when she is in there.

Whenever you hold her hands she to stand up! She loves to do it! Here's she talking to Daddy at the same time.

Rachel is 3 months old today. I can't believe how fast it has gone already. She has a cold right now, as do her older siblings. At least she doesn't have the fever that Anna has had all week, and Aidan the last 2 days. So she does look a little sick in her pictures.

Rachel is still getting up once every night to eat. I'm not used to this as my others slept through the night at 8 weeks. (come on Rachel, you can do it!) She normally goes right back to sleep though. She is a sweetheart! She is definately a more serious baby than Anna was, but still pretty smiley! We have not had any laughs yet. We took an ocean aquarium swing home from Alanna's on the weekend and that's her new favorite hangout. She just loves it! And since we have had it, she has not been crying all evening! What a nice change!

Here is her 3 months pics with her doggy! I managed to get smiles this month!

Here is her serious face. I love it, she's too cute!

That's all for now!! Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

amymom24 said...

Great update, Becky! Glad you had a fun visit to Ottawa, despite the van breaking down. Glad it was a relatively quick fix, though.

We have the aquarium swing too, and all my kids LOVED it - Micah and Danielle especially, which I was thankful for since they were both very fussy babies. Once in a while if we were at our wits end, we even moved it into our bedroom to let Danielle sleep in there for a few hours through the night. Hope Rachel continues to enjoy it and she gets over her cold, soon!

Love Anna's haircut - you did a great job!