Saturday, October 18, 2008

Getting ready for baby, an Ottawa trip, a class trip and Christmas cookies:)

Well the countdown is beginning...I have 7 weeks until my due date, and 5 weeks until I think that the baby should come out! So we have started to get some things ready! One of the first things that we need to do is get Aidan and Anna in the same room, so that all those kinks will be worked out before the baby comes. So, we needed to paint the free toddler bed that I got off of Freecycle. The kids helped and they had some much fun doing it! when we are done it will be all white. I didn't want the Anna is a girl....and I wanted it white so that any gender could use it. We should just have one more coat to do and then it should be ready for Anna! She's excited to have her own big bed.

I had a nice visit with my childhood, longtime friend Val last week Friday. She was due the day that we took this picture. I used the self timer, so it didn't turn out too great...maybe I should edit it a bit. Since then she had a baby boy, this past Wednesday. Samuel! I can't wait to go meet him!

We spent Thanksgiving up in Ottawa this year. It took us just over 8 LONG HOURS to get there... but we had a great weekend while we were there. I don't think we will be going there on a long weekend again though. We are so thankful that our kids are really good in the car on long drives!!
While we were there Lucas had his birthday party with his friend Sam. It was nice to be at one his parties as we normally can never make it.
Here is Aidan taking a swing at the pinata.

Cake time!

On Saturday afternoon we went for a short walk at a park. I can't remember what it was called. It has to be not a lot of walking, as I'm normally too sore, or it causes too much pain for me at this point.
Here is Aunt Alanna and Anna at the park.

I find that kids are always just drawn to water, so we didn't last at the playground long before we headed down to the lake. The kids all had a blast sitting on the dock, throwing lots of stones in and exploring among the rocks on the shore.

Our trip home took us just under 7 hours, but thanks to the Lord, we made it home safely again!

The next day Aidan's class was going on a field trip to Brantwood farms. I went along to help supervise the trip. Aidan had a lot of fun, even though he was tired from our weekend away.
Here is Aidan and his friend Matthew on the bus. They get along great, and Aidan talks about Matthew a lot. They have had one playdate so far and they play really well together!

Looking for pumpkins in the pumpkin patch!

Enjoying the bumpy hay ride....some of the kids gave me interesting looks as I held my belly on the really bumpy parts.!

Looking and listening to the 7000 Christmas Turkey's.

In the hay obstacle course. Aidan had a hoot running through the tunnels with the other kids!

This past Thursday Aidan had his first swimming lesson. We were worried that he might not cooperate, as that's how he normally treats new things, but he did so well, we were so proud of him! After I reminded him that there was a special table to help him touch the bottom, he had no problem getting in, and was even the first one in from his class! He even let the teacher help him swim on his back, and he blew bubbles! I was so proud of my little boy!!

Aidan and I had a birthday party to go to for one of Aidan's friends today. It was a dressup party! As my pumkin costume is at my Mom's, I decided to make my own! The kids thought it was very funny!

Today we also got a start on my Christmas baking, as I want to have it done before the baby comes. Today we make shortbread cookies. The kids had lots of fun cutting out the shapes and putting sprinles on them. Eric helped too, so it was nice family time!

Yes...I'm letting them have the leftover batter right out the bowl...there's no egg in it..... :)

The final product. The cookies definately aren't as pretty when kids help, but it's ok because they have so much fun making them!

Thats' all for now! Next week I'll try to post another belly picture!


Lisa B. said...

I love your pumpkin "costume"!
All the best in these last few weeks!
Lisa Baker

amymom24 said...

LOL - that pumpkin costume is too cute!

Great update - you are so diligent about taking lots of pictures of everything. Your kids will really appreciate it later on:)