Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Season

Hey Everyone,
I hope that everyone is liking the snow falling outside, I know that I am! If it is going to be winter, then I think that there should be snow on the ground. I know that Eric thinks the opposite though as it makes it hard to work.

Well, on to some pictures.

Here is Aidan singing to Rachel. She loves it and just stares up at him!

On the 13th was St. George's Santa Claus Parade. This was the first time that we have gone. The kids really liked it! Here is Declan, Aidan and Anna waiting for it to start! Thanks for the warm scarves Oma!

Here comes Santa!
Last week Aidan's school's primary division put on a Christmas show. It was really cute! Here is Aidan, he was so funny as he was saying all the words but was totally zoned the whole time!

Look what Santa put in our stockings this year!

The kids check their stockings every morning to see if Santa has come. I have asked Santa to just put little presents in my kids stockings throughout December, and to let me give the bigger gifts :)
Here's the first morning that they found something!

December 19th was Aidan's first snowday. He was dissapointed to not have school, so I said that he could invite a friend over. So we called his buddy Matthew from school and he came over for a few hours in the morning. They lasted for about 15-20 minutes outside in the cold and snow!

After that they came inside to play, dressup being one the things they did!

On saturday morning we opened our presents! The kids were so excited, Aidan talked about it all week that after breakfast on Saturday we were going to open them!

Aidan opening a gift of clothes.

Anna got some dressup shoes which she has been wearing almost constantly since!This is the gift that Aidan made for me at school! It's an ornament for the tree.

This is Rachel's first Christmas!! And even though she has no clue what is going on, I still got her a little present. A hangy toy for her carseat, and some diaper cream!

Apparently if you give your kids underwear instead of toys, this is what happens!
and this...

Can you believe it?? Rachel is one month old already!! We have an appointment on Tuesday at the midwives to get her weighed. I'll update then with what it is! The last 2 nights Rachel has only gotten up once in the night! Good for her! Now she just needs to fall asleep in her own bed..... She had 3 really good nights in her own bed, but now she has a little cold and she's really gassy and is having a hard time settling down at night on her own.
Last night Opa and Oma, Eric's parents, came for a visit. The kids had lots of fun wrestling with Opa!
That's all for now! I'm sure I'll have more pictures soon, as we have a busy 2 weeks coming up!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

1 comment:

amymom24 said...

Great update! LOL about the underwear pics:) I should definitely get some dressup shoes for my Rachel - she would also love them. Your Rachel looks ADORABLE. Can't believe she is sleeping through the night pretty much. You are so blessed!