Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Here is a shot of our Christmas tree this year. It's a blurry shot, but I like it like that!

Everyone knows that we had a lot of snow leading up to Christmas! Aidan and Anna had a lot of fun playing in it! It's too bad that it melted before we could build a snow fort though.

You can see how much we got the one day by the pile on our BBQ!

I had to make my yearly snowangel! I love when the snow is light and fluffy to do this!

I sat down to take a break from shoveling, and Eric shoveled me in! Of course the kids thought that it was funny so they joined in too!

On Christmas Eve we had Christmas part 2 with my immediate family, my Grandparents, and my Aunt and Uncle.
Here's Anna with her Auntie Mel, wearing the crowns from our Christmas crackers.

Anna was taking a turn being 'Santa' and handing out a round of presents!

Aidan opening a Lightening McQueen outfit from Aunt Lynda.He loved it wanted to wear it everyday for the next 3 days until I peeled it off him to be washed!

This has been how my late evenings and parts of my day have been.....boy can she get mad! They say crying peeks at 6 here's hoping that we are getting past the worst! Isn't she cute when she cries though? It breaks her Mommies heart when she cries with gas pains.

Christmas Day we had Christmas part 3 with Eric's family at his parents house. Eric Mom and Noah led us in some carol singing!

Saturday the 27th was Christmas part 4. This was just with my immediate family, at my Mom and Dad's house. Aidan got the number one thing on his wish list from his Gramma and Grandpa....the Thomas the Train shed for his tracks! He was thrilled!

Here's Anna getting excited for Aidan's present too! She loves to play trains as well.

Rachel managed to open her eyes long enough to 'open' her present from Auntie Mel. She slept through most of her first Christmas!

On Monday the 29th we went out for dinner with Eric's family to celebrate his parents 35 wedding anniversary. We had a great time at Devlin's country Bistro...and some good food too!

Here's the boys:

Here's the girls!

Mmmm dessert!

We spent New Years Eve with a small group at Laura and Arron's house. We had a blast playing Cranium and Catch Phrase.

Hmmmm.....Can you smell the thinking going on??? :)

Here's everyone that was there....except the kids who were sleeping!

On the 2nd we took the kids skating at the park. Rachel slept through it (of course) all tucked in snug in her stroller.

Anna used the bob skates and did pretty good on them!

We bought Aidan some 'new'skates this year. He did ok, but gave up quickly because he couldn't keep his balance. Also may because it was really cold and windy!

On January 3rd we took the kids bowling for the first time. We went with friends from Brantford and their kids. There were 6 kids in all, so only they bowled. Aidan and Anna had so much fun!!! They just loved it! Here is Anna watching her ball go down.

Here she is quickly running for another ball!

Here is Aidan coming for another ball.

Here is Eric and Rachel having a snug on the couch. It's a blurry shot, but I actually really like how it looks!
Here it is again non-blurry.

Here are some pics of my little cutie. She started smiling at 5 weeks, and I've been trying to get a picture of it ever since.
Just missed it...

Here it is!

And just a short minute later, she looked like this....

Last night my Mom came for dinner. (my Dad's on a mission trip right now) Rachel had some smile for her and was trying really hard to say something to her too. We have had a few coo's already!

At Rachel's last midwife appointment 2 weeks ago, she was 10 pounds 1 ounce, so not quite at Aidan's birthweight yet! But I'm sure she's past that now!

Sorry it was so long! That's all for today!


amymom24 said...

Great update, Becky! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and that the kiddies were spoiled:) Sorry that Rachel is giving you such a hard time... hope she grows out of it soon for you! Danielle was also very colicky for the first 6 months - it can be so draining... but eventually she turned into such an easy baby, so hopefully Rachel will get there too!

Kellie H said...

hooray!!! you won my giveaway for the headmand & ladybug pin!!! Give me your address & I will sent it your way..
kelliehonea (at) bellsouth (dot) net