Monday, May 11, 2009

It looks like May is bringing us another busy month in the Hart household! Here's a few things we've been up to!

Aidan made a 3D farm at school. They have been talking about farms and 3D shapes, so his teacher combined them! He was very proud of it, and I think that he did a great job!

Here is a picture of my new niece Abriel. She's super cute and looks so little compared to Rachel! I can't believe how fast babies grow! (Although, Abbi did start out 2 pounds lighter)

We are expanding our front garden around our Maple tree. This is the one lucky garden that gets done this year...landscaping is expensive! Eric and Aidan are removing some sod to make room for some plants!.

April 25th brought us a VERY warm day, so of course my kids wanted to go swimming! We have a hot water tap outside for the hose, so we made them a nice warm pool to swim in. They had a hoot! Now Aidan asks every time the sun is out if he can go swimming! I don't think that we have ever swam so early in our little pool!

Rachel is becoming a lot easier with her grins now, and she is laughing a lot more too! I just think she's the cutest!

April 25th is also my Mom's birthday, so we headed on over for supper. Here is Rachel giving Auntie Mel a big smooch! I took my pictures, but my camera is dying, and inside pictures without window light are not clear anymore.

Rachel loves to sit in her Bumbo and watch me in the kitchen!

Talking with Daddy in bed. Rachel just loves faces, and she loves to hold them as she talks to you. Just watch out for your eyes!!

Rachel's serious face

Aidan and Anna are best friends and worst enemies! This is a best friend moment! Snuggling in my bed in the morning!

Aidan made me a mother's day present at school. It was a butterfly and a 3D flower! He was so excited to give it to me! On Thursday when he brought it home from school, he hid it under his bed, and then just 2 minutes later he pulled the present out, and said, let's pretend that today is Sunday and that it's mother's day already! So I got it on Thursday, and again on Sunday!

Here is the card he made for me at school. Do you like the picture of him and me playing a game? I had to ask him what the circles on our bodies were....the top one is our belly button, and the bottom two are our butt's. Boys.....

Another smile from my sweetie pie!

On Saturday Rachel got her first taste of rice cereal! She really liked it! On Sunday she ate it really fast, and today she did well too! She gets frustrated if I don't spoon it quick enough!

On Sunday morning was Abbi's baptism. Jodie's Mom was going to hold her for the baptism but she got a huge cold and couldn't come. So, Mike and Jodie gave me the honour of holding her! Thanks guys! She cried and I had to take her out for a little bit, but she did pretty good!

Sunday evening, after a quick supper at Eric's parents we went to the RBG Rock Garden's to see the tulips! Free after 6!
The kids had so much fun there! They were talking and smiling the whole time! We'll have to go back someday!
Here's Anna smelling a tulip

My favorite ones were the purple ones!

I managed to get a belly shot for Veronica too, she said that she doesn't have many, so I got her!

They are beautiful gardens!

Here's our attempt at a family picture, too bad Rachel wasn't smiling!

In a little cave

Tulips in the sunshine!

That's all for now! I hope that you had a great Mother's Day, and that you have fun plans for the upcoming long weekend! I'll try and post about our long weekend next week!

1 comment:

amymom24 said...

Great pics, Becky! Esp. the ones of Rachel - they grow so quickly!