Wednesday, April 22, 2009

An another update so soon...I know pretty good! Now if only I could catch up on my scrapbooking! I have fixed the link to Eric's hand picture in the blog entry below, sorry it wasn't working..
Last week wednesday we added another niece to the family, Mike and Jodie were blessed with another cute baby girl! They came home on Sunday. I have not gotten to hold her yet because I don't want to give her my cold. :( I can't wait until I'm better so that I can get me some newborn snugs!! I don't have pictures yet either, since we haven't visited yet. I guess you want to know her name too...... :) It's Abriel Josie Hart. They are calling her Abbi.

Eric's Mom needed a picture of the three kids, so this is the one I got. Rachel was grumpy that day and I couldn't get her to smile, so this was the best I could do.

Brian and Alanna came down for the weekend last weekend as part of the surprise that we had all planned for Eric's mom's birthday. They came last Thursday evening! They brought with them their jolly jumper. Rachel took less than a minute to figure out that she could boogy in it! She loves it!

Aunt Alanna loves to snuggle with Rachel, and Rachel snuggled back! It was handy to have an extra set of arms in the house for the weekend!

Friday was a gorgeous day, so we gave the kids snack outside. They were thrilled!

Friday was a busy day of getting ready for the party! Here was the final look with the decorations. This is what Eric's mom would see when she came into Mike and Jodie's house!
Hanging from the banner is an outline of all the kids hands, including the ones still in the womb!

SURPRISE!!!! When we first yelled surprise, she wouldn't come inside at first, so this picture is a few seconds later. Boy was she surprised!!

Here's Mike doing a toast to his Mom!

Mom Hart with all her boys!

Two cousins in the womb! Alanna is 15 weeks...and Veronica is 30 I think.

Here's my crazy son with his crazy cousin Lucas!! They felt that it was warm enough to take off their shirts on Saturday! :) Can you tell how much fun they have together?!

Rachel turned 5 months old on Monday. I can't belive how fast time has flown by! We have had a few giggles now, so hopefully we will get some more soon. She is getting much freer with her smiles too! Overall though she is still much more serious than her older brother and sister. She still loves to stand and loves to bounce too. She is even able to scoot right off my lap! So I have to hold on tight when she is sitting there. She loves Aidan and Anna, and whenever they come near, she kicks and squirms and smiles away! It's cute to see!. Whenever you talk to her she always want to hold you face and kiss you, it's cute! She still is geting up at night much to my dismay, because Aidan and Anna both slept through at 8 weeks, I was kinda expecting her to do the same. But she has had so many colds, and thus wasn't eating well, I think it will take her a bit longer. She is now the last 2 days finally finishing her bottles, but getting up 2 times at night, so hopefully this is just a growth spurt. When she is well she just gets up once.

I got her weighed today at a neighbours house who has a scale, and she was 14 pounds, 9.5 ounces. I haven't measured her length yet.

I just love how her eyes light up when she smiles!

Anna loves her sister!

Watching TV I don't let Rachel watch TV like this, this was the first time.

This is a face that we see often around here. It seems that everything to Anna is a huge deal and requires getting very upset! It can be very hard some days to remain patient with her!

Aidan and Anna call eachother best friends. They play together all the time and most of the time they get along great. And when they don't, one always says "'re not my best friend anymore..."

Here are Anna and Rachel at 5 months, I thought that I would put them up just to compare...Anna was much chunkier in the cheeks! They don't look as much alike anymore! She looks more like Aidan, but my digital pictures for him start at 10 months...

I've just heard that Eric's Uncle Joe is in the hospital with pneumonia, so please keep him in your prayers!
That's all for now


Alanna said...

I love the picture of the boys together! And the closeup of Rachel is adorable!!

amymom24 said...

Wow, that looks like such a fun party you had for your MIL! What a great surprise:)

Looks like the kids are growing up fast:) Love the pics of the boys flexing their muscles together. Rachel is getting so big! And Anna - can totally relate to the crying... and patience doesn't come easy to me. Thankfully the good times outweigh the bad, eh?

Joke from Holland said...

Hey Beckey!

What a nice weblog! Nice to see your children and the pictures of your mother in law, my sister, a big surprise! Pitty that we do not have this surpriseparty's in Holland.
We are looking forward to september
when we come to canada! Than we hope to see you!
With greats and loves
(aunt) Joke