Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hey Everyone,
I have about 8 minutes to give you a quick update about our lives before I have to go to my midwife appointment this morning.

Last week Monday evening my family made some more Christmas cookies! We made 17 dozen chocolate chip cookies with Christmas Reese's . Yum. I had bought Christmas M&M's, but accidently bought the mint ones, so I subbed them with the peanut ones that Eric bought me for a treat. So now I am done my Christmas baking! I made (with some help from my family) 6 pounds of fudge, 5 batch of cookie bark, 2 batches of shortbread, and 17 dozen Chocolate Chip!
Here is one of my silly helpers!

Decorating with the Reese's! This is the kids favorite part!

Look at all the balls of dough, waiting to be baked!
And the final result...lots of yummy, mouth-watering cookies....I just might have to go and dig one of my freezer..... :)

Another thing that we have being doing a lot lately is playing Go Fish. It has become one of Aidan's favorite games, and Anna is catching on quick too. Although she tends to blurt out if she has the same card as you before you can ask!

This is Aidan's baby puppy belly.... :)

And here is my belly at 37 weeks.

And I felt daring enough to take one without the shirt too....don't mind all the strechmarks...they are still from Aidan.

I have time to end with a funny....

The other day I was going to the washroom and I asked the kids to leave the room and give me some privacy. So Aidan went out and played on my bed to wait for me, but Anna goes out, pretends to scoop something off the floor and then comes back in. She then pretends to hand me what she picked up "here ya go Mom" I asked her what is was, and she said " its privacy!"

Gotta love 2 year olds!!

Off I go to my midwife now! I'm already 4 cm.....so I'm hoping that the baby will come soon! ( Although I'm scared for the process, I can't wait to see my little boy or girl!)


Irene said...

Good luck, Becky! Can't wait to hear how your appointment went and to meet your new little one too:) I'm hungry just looking at all that baking. You're lucky to have helpers:) Take care of yourself.

Jay & Veronica said...

Wow Becky, Your a trooper! I guess you have no choice though. Hope the Lord provides you with the strength you need! We're praying that baby 3 comes soon for you!

amymom24 said...

I think I'm going to start calling you Martha Stewart. I bow to your domestic abilities!

You are one brave woman to be posting a bare preggo belly pic:) I never had the guts to do it. Mind you, I have WAY more stretch marks than you! You look great! Uncomfortable, but great. All the best in the next couple weeks!!!